We Love Tribology!

Since more than 20 years we are the partner of our customers when it is about ‚more than lubrication only‘. Our Know-How, services and premium lubricants – this is a package with synergy for the benefit of our customers. We are happy to meet the challenges of your requirements, so that the better lubrication contributes to more efficiency and less wear.

smartGLEIT is supplying special lubricants for a wide range of applications – we especially focus on following product segments:

  • Lubricating greases and pastes with microWHITE solid lubricants
  • Solid film lubricants (Anti-Friction Coatings; AFC’s) – the dry alternative to lubrication with oils and greases

Our portfolio also includes:

  • ‚black‘ products with MoS2, graphite and other special solid lubricants,
  • top class screw pastes,
  • premium lubricating fluids,
  • inert special greases – media- and temperature resistant,
  • silicone based lubricants,
  • and some special, high-quality ‚liquid-tools‘ in spay cans (aerosols).

Die Anforderungen an das Reibungs- und Verschleißverhalten tribologischer Systeme, und damit an den Schmierstoff, steigen stetig. Die Analyse und Bewertung des jeweiligen Tribosystems ist eine Voraussetzung für die Auswahl eines optimalen Schmierstoffes. Dafür sind tribologische Expertise, Methodenwissen, optimale Produkttechnologie und Erfahrungen zwingend erforderlich.

Deshalb microGLEIT® – wenn’s um optimale Schmierung geht!

Our Commitment